Assembly of European Horticultural Regions


Webinar on the "Priorities of the new LIFE 2024 Call"

On April 30th, from 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM CET

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Consultation on resilient management of water

The AREFLH participated to the consultation on the resilient management of the organization by the Committe of the Regions

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Conference on water use in agriculture

AREFLH shared some innovative water management initiatives in agriculture in Europe

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Webinar on smart crop protection in vegetables

AREFLH would like to invite you to the webinar “Smart Crop protection in vegetables” which will take place, on 19th of June 2023 from 10:00h to 12:00h CET, online.

A range of new Smart tools and technologies are being developed to help growers manage pests and diseases in vegetables crops. The H2020 Thematic Network SmartProtect has identified and reviewed the range that is available to European growers.

This webinar focuses on some of the tools and techniques which can be applied in vegetable crops and on approach which is under development at the University of Leuven.


After we have summarised the SmartProtect results there is an opportunity for you or your colleagues to present information related to this topic. If you are interested in presenting, please register here before June 5th. A timeslot has been included in the program for these additional presentations.


Webinar Programme

 10:00h CET

Welcome and introduction – Rosemary Collier, Warwick University, UK

10:05h CET

SmartProtect, smart IPM in vegetable – Sabien Pollet, Inagro, Belgium

10:15h – 11:00h CET

Results from Smartprotect

  • 10.15 - 10.30: Tool for detecting plant disorders due to pests and diseases -
    Mike Kaminiaris, Agenso, Greece
  • 10.30 - 10.45: UV technologies to control pests and diseases -
    Jonathan De Mey, Inagro, Belgium
  • 10.45 - 11.00: Toward automatic insect identification in Flanders -
    Yannis Kalfas, KU Leuven, Belgium
11.00h - 11.45h CET
Presentation on smart crop protection by other participants.
11.45h - 11.55h CET
11.55h - 12.00h CET


Register to the webinar

You can also apply for a presentation

This webinar is free, subscription is mandatory.

For information contact Sabien Pollet from Inagro: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - +32 051 27 33 04

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