Assembly of European Horticultural Regions

EU projects

Lowinfood : sharing and advancing the data collection experience

The LowinFood methodology has conducted a series of webinars with the aim of exchanging experiences in data collection.

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AREFLH is a partner of the LOWINFOOD. The project gathers actors of the food chain who design together low-waste value chains by supporting innovations in the fruits & vegetables, bakery products and fish sector. 


In the framework of the methodology for the evaluation of innovations that LOWINFOOD is implementing in the different parts of Europe, the team in charge has conducted a series of webinars with the aim of exchanging experiences in data collection. The meetings successfully identified the barriers in data collection and looked for solutions.  


The aspects emerging in all sessions has been the challenge of motivating stakeholders to replicate innovations. The lack of the time to provide the necessary information or the difficulty of providing sensitive data, such as cost are a reality. To create connection, visibility and communication of these customers can be a key, and so are face-to-face relationships.

Working with unclean data due to human error or the working environment is a challenge that was tacked too. It is necessary to take the time to analyse the data carefully and with a global view .  

In general, collaborations were carried out with the least effort for the participating stakeholders. The companies that value their products and look for improvement are LOWINFOOD’s main target group.


For more information about the project, please visit the following media :


drapeau ue seulThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No.101000439

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