Assembly of European Horticultural Regions

Position statements

Position paper on the European ornamental plants sector

April 2020. AREFLH believes that it is necessary to develop a new strategy at EU level to support and revitalize the flower and ornamental plant sector by encouraging the concentration of supply and by enabling producer organizations active in this segment to benefit from the operational programs provided for by the CMO regulation.

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CAP Strategic Plans 2021-2027

January 2020. AREFLH’s proposed amendments to the legislative proposal on the CAP Strategic Plans 2021-2027.
The aim of this document is to propose a series of amendments to certain provisions present in the EC’s legislative proposal that may have counterproductive or negative impacts on the fruit and vegetable sector.

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Directive on unfair trading practices

June 2018. AREFLH Position Paper on the European Commission’s Proposal for a directive on unfair trading practices in business-to-business relationships in the food supply chain

AREFLH welcomes the Commission’s initiative, which aims to establish a uniform approach for the introduction of a minimum standard of protection relating to unfair commercial practices in the internal market. 

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