Résultats d'une étude sur la composition des déchets d'assiettes de deux écoles élémentaires de Suède
L'objectif général de LOWINFOOD est de co-concevoir, avec les acteurs de la chaîne alimentaire, des chaînes de valeur pauvres en déchets en soutenant la démonstration d'un portefeuille d'innovations dans les filières fruits & légumes, produits de boulangerie et de poisson ainsi que leur consommation domestique et hors du domicile.
Un groupe de partenaires du programme LOWINFOOD a récemment publié un article dans la revue scientifique Resources, Conservation and Recycling, dans lequel ils évaluent la composition des déchets de repas scolaires ainsi que l'empreinte carbone et la perte de nutriments qui y sont associées. Ils ont analysé la composition des déchets d'assiettes provenant de près de 5 000 repas dans deux écoles élémentaires d'Uppsala, en Suède. Ils ont identifié les composants et les quantités de nourriture gaspillée.
La suite de l'article est uniquement disponible en anglais
In Sweden, school canteens generate 9,200 out of the 33,000 tones of food wasted country level. As the country is committed to reducing the large economic, environmental, and social impact this causes, it has set the target of reducing by 20% the food wasted between 2020 and 2025.
Reducing this type of waste is highly because most of it is edible food that has undergone resource-intensive preparation, and it represents a missed opportunity to nourish school children, as school meals in Sweden are required by law to be nutritious, and the Swedish Food Agency has releveled gaps in nutrient intake by Swedish school children. Plate waste may serve as an indicator that nutrition’s food is left uneaten, resulting in nutrients losses and unnecessary environmental burdens.
The results obtained indicated that each kilogram of food waste was equivalent to 1 kilogram of CO2 emission. However, school meals comprise diverse food components such as carbohydrates (potato, pasta, rice), proteins (legumes, fish, chickens, beef), vegetables, bread, fruit and dairy. Having knowledge of the components discarded facilitates the assessment of the carbon footprint and nutrient composition of the meals wasted. This may help design food waste prevention measures and assess their sustainability, a crucial point for policymakers in prioritizing preventions actions.
The researchers revealed that staple food (pasta, potato and rice) comprised 59% of total plate waste, but only 24 % of the carbon footprint. On the other hand, animal -based foods (chicken, pork beef, fish, cheese and also eggs and pancakes) were wasted to only a minor degree, corresponding to 10 % of the total plate waste but were responsible for 63% of the total carbon footprint.
To read the inter article click here
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This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No.101000439
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